Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Big Idea

what will set our campaign different from the rest is that we have one main priority and that is that your and your family are comfortable, safe and walk away with a new added family member in which they can depend on for years. We want to give them a new addition to the family that's not just a car but something that they look forward to when driving and not have to worry. The Culture Code is the unconscious meaning we apply to any given thing—a car, a type of food, a relationship, even a country—via the culture in which we are raised…. The combination of the experience and its accompanying emotion create something known widely (and coined as such by Konrad Lorenz) as an imprint. Once an imprint occurs, it strongly conditions our thought processes and shapes our future actions. Each imprint helps make us more of who we are. The combination of these imprints defines us.(CH 5; PG 68) What we will be doing to attract the millennial families is we would by hosting booths in tourist attractions where families as a whole would visit. We would also join with Disney. In this agreement we would also join the Make A Wish foundations to show that in fact we really do care about your children and family. For Disney we would have a booth outside of Disneyland and DisneyWorld to promote our product as a family must have. For the Make A Wish foundation we would donate every year depending on how our fiscal year ends. Keep them and Disney with us as long as possible.  The totality of environmental factors affecting our nature is called nurture; so, from this perspective, the context in which we live makes us who we are. How we are nurtured plays a significant role in how we make choices and in our behavior. The context of your family, culture, community, values, friends, aspirations, basic drives, cognitive abilities, defenses, habits, all factor into why you would respond to advertising, donate to a specific charity, purchase one detergent over another, and so on.(CH 5; PG 69) Ours donations would strictly be to Make A Wish foundation and our campaigns would be binded with Disney. Our commercials will star Disney princesses and well known characters and Disney familes using our product to promote that we are in fact the number one family friendly vehicle. Imagine the world without this product, service, commodity, or group type. Then imagine the world without this specific brand or group. For example, imagine there were no ketchup. Now imagine the world without Heinz ketchup. Once you imagine this scenario, it might be easier to understand what people like or love about the brand or group.(CH 5; PG 71) A world without the Toyota Highlander wouldn't be a safe world to drive in that's for sure. Its 5 star safety rating gives the family that assurance that everything is going to be ok even in the case of an accident. Words. Legendary graphic design and adman George Lois advises using words to generate concepts. Lois believes that visual artists can think equally well in words as in visuals. Try making word lists, word associations, word maps, word mergers, or any method that will work for you.(CH 5; PG 76) Merge. Combine two related or unrelated objects or visuals together to form a unique whole.(CH 5; PG 76) To add onto the big idea, Toyota and Disney in the same commercial and advertised on channels like the Disney channel and ABC Family will guarantee attract more family oriented customers just for the fact that it will include the beloved and adored characters from the widely known movies and attractions. 

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